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How to prevent seasonal allergy?

Many people will have sneezing or itchy skin due to seasonal allergies, and the culprit of it may be “dust mites”. When the people with allergies contact with dust mites and their waste droppings, it can cause the symptoms such as asthma, sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, coughing, red eyes and itchy skin. The severity of these symptoms varies from person to person.


There are about 2 million dust mites in the mattress


Dust mites are only about 300 microns in size. They are tiny creatures that are difficult to see with the naked eye. They feed on our dead skin flakes. Therefore, mattresses are the very suitable environment for dust mites to live. In addition, Hong Kong’s weather is mainly hot and humid, with our body temperature, sweat during sleeping, and exhaled breath condensates, etc., a new mattress will be covered with dust mites within just 4 months, and become their “new home”.

To get rid of dust mites, start with your beddings.


The Consumer Council recommends the use of dust mite proof beddings, so that the dust mites and other allergens hidden in mattresses, pillows and duvets are difficult to pass through and contact with us, in order to reduce the allergy symptoms triggered by dust mites.

3 Important Points when Buying the Dust Mite Proof Beddings


Use high-density fiber materials

The tiny pores of the high-density fiber material prevent dust mites from entering the mattress and pillow to hide. It can also prevent our dead skin flakes from entering the mattress and pillow. The dust mites hidden inside will die without food.


Sealed zipper design

Both the Consumer Council and the Allergy UK pointed out that the dust mite proof bedding must be completely wrap the mattress or pillow and closed with a fine zipper, which is different from the elastic band used in general bed sheets.


Good breathability

Some mattress protector that use waterproof materials or high-density fiber materials will cause you feel uncomfortable during sleep due to poor breathability. A study by a university has shown that the best pore size of fiber materials is 6 microns, which can maintain good breathability and effectively block out the dust mites.

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